Friday, July 25, 2008

Setting goals

Goals seem to be a great motivator for me. I am so goal driven that I create goals when there is no need to. Here are 3 related to cycling that I am working on.

1. Ride every rural through road in Western Lewis County. I have informally added all of Lewis County and Cowlitz and Thurston to that list since I am getting close to meeting my goal.
Below is a Google custom map that tracks this goal.

View Larger Map

2. Ride over 5,000 miles this year. has a goals section where you can set a goal and track the progress.
Here is mine so far.
2008 5K Edit Remove
5000.00 mi between Tue, Jan 1, 2008 and Wed, Dec 31, 2008
Progress: 64%
3204.73 mi at 12.80 mi/h
  • A distance of 1795.27 mi remains.
  • At current average speed, 140.3 hours of ride time required.
  • An average daily distance of 11.22 mi required.
  • You should have completed a distance of 2827.87 mi by today.
3. Monthly mileage goals.
I set a goal every month for distance.
The distance goals often get me on the bike for no other reason than to rack up some more miles towards my goal. Heaven forbid, that I should every get behind on one.

The goals also spice up riding, they add an extra feeling of accomplishment. Now, if I could convince myself to set a weight loss goal....

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